19th and 20 the National Park entrance fees were eliminated to kick
off the beginning of National Park Week. I celebrated at Canyonlands, the
largest of the "The Big Five" in Utah. I expected to be
underwhelmed since I already visited the other four. However, on Hwy. 313
before I entered the park I realized I was in for yet another unique
experience. Vast. Expansive. I determined that video was the only way to
capture this place but it turns out that my photographs captured the depth
I choose the Upheavel Dome as my first adventure. I loved the way I had
to get personal with the rocks, trees and moss to get there. Immediately I was
connected with my environment. Since I’m experiencing a great upheaval at the
moment in my life this place resonated with my spirit. See a short video here...
The night was the biggest surprise. After Bryce and Great Basin, the two
parks that tout their night skies, I didn’t expect Canyonlands to compete. Of
course, the phase of the moon matters a lot. The first time I awoke after
drifting off, the sky was filled with stars. Magically, I drifted back off only
to be awoken later by a bright waning moon and the stars were gone. In my
dreams I unzipped the night sky.
Since my second day at the park was Easter I did a performance piece, Contrasts, wearing my Easter dress, pink cap and I carried a basket of 2 plastic eggs. I was
interested in the juxtaposition of the pastel “Easter colors” of the dress; the
harsh plastic qualities of the eggs; the natural twined basket; and the
environment of Canyonlands. Not one person questioned my attire (at least to my
knowledge) but there were comments about my positioning of the basket of eggs
in the landscape and taking photographs.